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Focus Universal (FCUV)


L'essentiel de Focus Universal (FCUV)

Focus Universal Inc. develops and manufactures smart instrumentation platform and device. It offers Ubiquitor, a wireless sensor device with a universal sensor node and gateway system that uses a computer or mobile device as the output display module that displays the readings of various sensor nodes. The company's universal smart instrumentation platform (USIP) utilizes mobile devices or computers to communicate with smart devices, such as sensors, instruments, probes, and controllers to monitor and control any functions. It also offers digital sensors and horticultural sensors. Further, the company provides filter and handheld meter products, including fan speed adjuster, carbon filter, and HEPA filtration systems, as well as digital light and quantum par meters through distributors. Additionally, it provides integration of houses, apartment, commercial complex, and office spaces with audio, visual, and control systems to integrate devices in the low voltage field, as well as partial equipment upgrade and installation services. Focus Universal Inc. was incorporated in 2012 and is headquartered in Ontario, California.

  • Employés


  • CEO

    Dr. Desheng Wang Ph...

  • Site web


  • Market Cap
    31 384 268 $
  • Volume
    636 317 $
  • Dividendes
  • Rendement
  • Échéance d'achat
  • Date de paiement
  • Fréquence de paiement
  • Les actualités liées à Focus Universal

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