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IAMGold Corporation (IAG)


L'essentiel de IAMGold Corporation (IAG)

IAMGOLD Corporation, through its subsidiaries, explores, develops, and operates gold mining properties in North America and West Africa. The company owns 100% interest in the Westwood mine, covers an area of 1,925 hectare and located in Quebec and the Côté gold project, which covers an area of 596 square kilometer located in Ontario, Canada; and 90% interests in the Essakane mine situated in Burkina Faso and Boto gold project located in Senegal, West Africa. Its exploration and development projects include the 100% owned Diakha-Siribaya project that covers an area of approximately 600 square kilometres situated in Mali; the Monster Lake projects located in Quebec, Canada; and the Karita project that covers an area of approximately 100 square kilometres located in Guinea, as well as Pitangui project in Brazil, and 75% owned the Nelligan located in Québec. IAMGOLD Corporation was incorporated in 1990 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

  • Employés

    3 700

  • CEO

    Mr. Renaud Adams P....

  • Site web


  • Market Cap
    3 267 264 000 $
  • Volume
    9 836 210 $
  • Dividendes
  • Rendement
  • Échéance d'achat
  • Date de paiement
  • Fréquence de paiement
  • Les actions similaires à IAG

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    Comme dans tout investissement, il existe un risque de perte en capital. Les investissements peuvent connaître des variations à la hausse et à la baisse, et il est possible de récupérer moins que le montant initial investi.

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